Browndig [FALL 2009]
Lead Designer and Front End Engineer
Displaying Recent Posts, Wordpress Theme With Custom PHP Scripts

Browndig is a highly customized implementation of Wordpress designed from the ground up. Wireframing and full design were carried out in Photoshop prior to implementation. I modified the default Wordpress PHP scripts to include writing analysis and custom blog content creation. Animations were designed using the script.aculo.us library. The blog also featured tight social integration with Digg and Facebook at a time when this had not yet become a widespread practice.
Initially the site was started in attempt to write blog articles targeting visitors of the social news website Digg.com. Since most articles seemed to cover only a small set of topics, this idea was soon abandoned due to lack of success. The blog next served as a home for articles I wrote for a film class I was taking at the time. After the class ended, I transformed the blog into an avenue for students to get advice on how to gain admission into top ten engineering schools. The idea was for three of my close friends and I to be the site’s principle authors. Unfortunately, since all four of us were in said top schools, the crippling work load led us to abandon the blog yet again. Recently, Browndig.com has been converted to hold my portfolio. However, the last iteration of the blog’s appearance is still visible. All of the older content has been preserved and is accessible through the old interface.