TTI Telemetry Packet Reader - Viewing Packet 1 / 369
CHANGE PACKET VIEW of: C:\Documents and Settings\mdigman\My Documents\MATLAB\tti_16891717.dat


Sync 0xFE6B2840
Current Mode 0xFE00
Last Setting 0x00000000
Command Counter 0x00
TLM Mode 0x00
I/O Status 0x40
=> b01000000
=> CDC Slave Acknowlege Error Occured
Checksum 0xD3


CDCZerPosMeas1 0xEA6DA0
CDCZerPosMeas2 0xEA6DA1
CDCZerPosMeas3 0xEA6DA2
PID1 Status 0x30041008
=> Bit 5: Auto Set: 1
=> Bit 4: Closed Loop: 1
=> Setting: 0x0041008
PID1 Error 0xEE7DA8
PID1 Status 0x30000000
=> Bit 5: Auto Set: 1
=> Bit 4: Closed Loop: 1
=> Setting: 0x0000000
PID1 Error 0x000000
PID1 Status 0x30043008
=> Bit 5: Auto Set: 1
=> Bit 4: Closed Loop: 1
=> Setting: 0x0043008
PID1 Error 0xEE9DAA
FPHtr Status 0x100000
=> MS Bit 4=1: Closed Loop
Setting: 0x0000
FPHtr Error 0x0000
Coef A (P): 0x000004
Coef B (I): 0x00019A
Coef C (D): 0x000019
FP Heater Prop 0x0001


Last DD Dac 1 0x9A14 => 2.0374 [V]
Last DD Dac 2 0x8000 => 0 [V]
Last DD Dac 3 0x25C2 => -7.0502 [V]
Last DD Dac 4 0x0000 => -10 [V]


EDS +15 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS +5 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS +3.3 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS +1.5 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS +1.33 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS -15 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]
EDS +46 [V] 0x0000 => 0 [V]

EugTLM Temperatures:

LVPS Temp 0x0000
C&DH FPGA Temp 0x0000
Fabry-Perot Temp 0x0000
FP Benchplate Temp 0x0000
M1 Benchplate Temp 0x0000
M2/M3 Benchplate Temp 0x0000
Aperture Door Temp 0x0000
Detector Temp 0x0000
Detector Benchplate Temp 0x0000


HOP Arm Command Val 0x00000000 => 0m 0s 0ms
HOP Fire Count 0x00000000 => 0
HOP Status 0x00 => OFF


MeasConfig 0x00
=> Auto Shutdown Disable: 0
=> Auto Shutdown of CDCs: 0
=> High Current Status: 0
=> Command Parameter Packet: 00000
MeasTLM 0x00 => 0 auto shutdowns
Measurement 1 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000
=> CDC Status Register: 0x00
=> Measurement: 0x000000
=> CDC Temp: 0x000000 => -4096 [C]
=> Capacitive Offset Calib: 0x0000
CDC Call 1 0x0102
Measurement 2 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000
=> CDC Status Register: 0x00
=> Measurement: 0x000000
=> CDC Temp: 0x000000 => -4096 [C]
=> Capacitive Offset Calib: 0x0000
CDC Call 2 0x0304
Measurement 3 0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000
=> CDC Status Register: 0x00
=> Measurement: 0x000000
=> CDC Temp: 0x000000 => -4096 [C]
=> Capacitive Offset Calib: 0x0000
CDC Call 3 0x0506

CCD Imaging:

EMCCD Readout Count 0x003E => 62 readouts
EMCCD Config 0x19070A6BB236
=> SP Width: 25 pixels
=> SP Height: 7 pixels
=> Tb31cnt: b00101 => 12
=> MidSPheight_cmd: b0011
=> Yoffset: b010111011
=> Xoffset: b01000110110
CCD Superpix Image


Time Tag 0x0C50 => 5m 15s 200ms
TimeTag on Request 0x0C26 => 5m 11s 0ms
TimeTag on Receipt 0x0000 => 0m 0s 0ms